Keith, the girls and I went to my mom and dad's for Easter dinner last weekend. I took a big salad and made deviled eggs for the first time (took advantage of all those dyed Easter eggs). Mom made a honey glazed ham, green beans, and fruit/veggie tray. We had strawberry shortcake for dessert. The food was yummy but the family time was most special. Mom and dad, I love you!
We began our Easter celebration by talking about Christ's death on the cross on Friday. They both took awhile to understand that Jesus wasn't actually being put to death right then but that we celebrate Good Friday as the day he was crucified. We also had the girls dye their Easter eggs that night.
On Saturday night, we attended the Easter service. Jennifer and Randy met us there. The message was titled "Believe." Steve talked about the difference between a belief in your head (even a belief in God) and "Believing" in Jesus Christ as both your Savior and making Him your LORD. We enjoyed worshipping together and then headed to Applebees afterwards wtih Jenn and Randy.
We got up Easter morning to say "He is Risen!" I asked the girls how they think Mary Magdelen and Mary the mother of Jesus must have felt to go to the tomb and find it empty. Grace looked at me and said "I bet it was a little scary."
Then, the girls enjoyed looking through their Easter baskets (one from the Easter Bunny and one from our sweet neighbor Rafael---he wanted to thank us (again) for doing his fence). The girls went out front to find all their hidden eggs. Madeline was cracking us up as she tip-toed through the flower beds to get to eggs. They looked like a pair of old women with their robes and house shoes on:) At final count, Madeline found 36 and Grace found 30!!! Grace said "mom, where are everyone else's eggs?" to which I replied "Well, I guess they already hunted them this morning."
Sorry the pictures are all out of order; still can't seem to figure that out.....
The girls and I ventured to San Antonio for Spring Break this year. We visited the zoo (the bird in the picture with me was quite friendly), drove through a wildlife park (where an ostrich was attacking an old couple in their yellow convertible, and we fed animals like the ram right out of our hand....even though we were not suppose to), went to a 3D movie, visited the Dinosaur Exhibit where the girls got to be interactive with dinosaurs and dig for fossils, visited the Children's Treehouse where they got to interact with science, visited the River Walk, and had tons of fun with Aunt Leslie and Uncle Gregg! Good times with just girls :)) (we missed daddy though)
I am the wife of Keith (we celebrated 12 years last October) and the mother of two precious girls. Grace is 9 and Madeline is 5. They are all the loves of my life!
I am a teacher in Rockwall; this is my 7th year in education. I absolutely love my job and am so thankful to be a part of this amazing school district.