Many changes have occured this year with my career in education. I began yet another year, at Springer Elementary, teaching a precious group of 4th graders. Circumstances led to my leaving the classroom as their teacher, into a mid management role at Rochell Elementary as their Campus Instructional Coach. It was an extremely hard transition but has been so exciting and a stepping stone into what I desire which is my administrative degree so that I can be a campus principal one day. More change occured when Mike Pitcher, who is the new principal at Billie Stevenson Elementary asked me to join him as his Campus Instructional Coach! Opening a new school, and helping Mr. Pitcher staff the school has been so exciting. It is an amazing and extraordinary experience to be able to open a new school and create a climate and culture.
As I spend my last day with the staff here at Rochell, it is bitter sweet. I will especially miss my crazy partner in crime, Sharon. She keeps me on my toes, laughing, and I just keep her on her toes!!!
Here's to a new journey and greater things to come!
On another note.....Happy Birthday to my sweet Madeline (turns 8 today) and Keith (turns 37 today). I love you both and am so thankful that you are MY FAMILY!!!
Your time is almost up.
1 month ago