Madeline asked Jesus in her heart!
At 8:50pm on 11/9/10, I was putting Madeline to bed. She was asking me about a bible story that she heard about. Through telling her the story, the subject of salvation came up. I said to her "you know, when you are ready, you can ask Jesus to live inside your heart." We sat in the quietness for awhile...this was nothing new as we've discussed this topic before and she's never replied. Tonight though, she turned, looked me in the eyes and said "I'm ready." After talking to her about sin and why we need Jesus, I led her in a sinner's prayer. It went something like this..."Dear Jesus, I love you. I am sorry for my sin. I ask you to come live inside my heart and forgive me of my sin. Thank you Jesus. I love you. Amen." After she repeated me, she said "Mom, it's like he flew from up there right into my heart." I asked "how do you feel?" She replied "I feel good. I'm so happy I can't sleep! It's like He is wiggling inside my heart!"
She was quick to inform me that she wasn't ready to be baptized, to which I replied "that's fine. Jesus lives in your heart and that's what is important. When you are ready to be baptized, you let me know."
I remember having the same feelings with Grace that I do now. Happiness and worry...worry that she's too young to understand, worry that she won't remember, etc... However, the words of an old minister friend popped into my head "Emily, the bible says to come to Him as little children do. She understands all she needs to right now. Believe in her and in her decision." That's what I'm choosing to do. I am happy. My cup runneth over. I am thankful!
Your time is almost up.
1 month ago
I love this. It is so sweet and I love how God chose her and Jesus flew up there and wiggled. It sounds just like Maddie.