Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 4...thankful for...

My parents.

I was over, just tonight, sitting and talking with my parents. I truly love to just sit and talk to them. They bring a peace and joy to my soul.

I am so blessed that God granted me to their care on this earth. Daddy worked hard my whole life. He was gone a lot (the life of a truck driver) yet I never felt like he wasn't there. His work knew WE were his priority. He made every game, recital, and event. He was a very present figure. I had, and still do, a respect for him. When I was younger this translated to a reverent fear; now it translates to admiration. He was easy to talk to and easy to love. He was also very smart in his parenting tactics....I'm learning to use some of those same strategies :)

Mom was home most of my growing up years. She took care of the house, errands, appointments, schedule, etc... You name it; she did it. She taught us the value of being thrifty (to which I am proud to say I am). We never felt like we did without; yet little did we know we were pretty poor! When I was a little older, she went back to school and got her nursing degree. I remember watching her study and cry and encouraging her "you can do it." I was so proud to watch her walk that graduation stage. She showed me that it's never too late to reach for your dreams.

Mom and dad's marriage certainly went through rocky patches. However, they stuck it out. They didn't take the easy way out and divorce. They worked hard to keep their marriage strong. They are an example of forgiveness and love.

I am more thankful now than ever before for mom and dad....probably because I understand so much more now (being a parent myself). The values and work ethic they instilled into me are what I hope to pass to my girls. Love ya mom and dad!

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