Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 2....thankful for...

Today I am thankful for my husband, Keith. It's hard to believe that we just celebrated 12 years!!! I honestly can't believe we've put up with each other for that long :)

Seriously though....I am so blessed to have a husband who doesn't have hobbies. WE are his hobby. He rarely asks for "guy time" and truly attempts to make us priority when he's home. He will even DVR a big game to be with us! (Plus, we like to have a beverage and really enjoy the big games when it's quiet and just us cozied up on the couch)! I am so blessed to have a husband who sees my "old age" flaws and still is crazy about me. I surely gripe (as most women do) about all his "attention" and love....secretly though, I LOVE it! I am so blessed to have a husband who it opposite of me. While his passive nature (at home that is) drives me crazy at times, I can't imagine living in a household with TWO control freaks! I am blessed that he's so easy going and takes things one day at a time!

As I look back at my life and how long I waited for Keith, I am always reminded that the BEST things in life are WORTH WAITING FOR! He was so worth the wait and I have a treasure in my sweetheart! I love you, Keith!

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