Today, I am thankful for Grace and Madeline.
We have been through a rough patch lately. Grace is growing up and wanting more independence and Madeline drives Grace crazy! Seems like they are really fussing with each other or really loving each other; there is NO IN BETWEEN! It's caused some stress in our house but we are working through it. The more they grow, the more I realize how hard this job of parenthood is. I am often forced to think about how hard I prayed for them....as I am finding it difficult to always like them :)
Keith and I prayed for Grace for over a year. We tried and tried and couldn't get pregnant. I remember taking a test every month, hoping my medication worked, and the let-down that came with each negative test. I literally was at my "this isn't working...we aren't doing medication anymore....we will just wait for a while longer" appointment with Dr. Potter when they came into the room and told me I was pregnant. We were all shocked! Because Grace was so difficult to conceive, we knew every single thing about her from very early on. We were very cautious during my pregnancy as we didn't want to lose her. January 3rd, 2002, she made her debut into the world....kicking and screaming....a TON of jet black hair and ivory skin! Most people who met her were sure that we had adopted a child from another country (she looked like a little China doll).
Madeline was a different story. We decided to get off of the pill and "try again." Within just a few months of being off the pill, we had conceived. We were both shocked at how easy it was the 2nd time around. Early on, the doctor couldn't find her or her heartbeat. They were sure that she hadn't developed and we needed to terminate the pregnancy with a DNC. Because my doc was conservative, she forced me to come in for one last sonogram before the procedure. I'm sure you can guess that I'm glad we did. To our amazement, there she was...growing and fine! We decided to be suprised with Madeline's sex. It wasn't until she made her appearance on June 6, 2005 (Keith's birthday) that we found out she was a girl! (I was sure she was a boy by the way, because she was like a broncing bull in the womb). I'll never forget the doctor (and my sister Jennifer) taking bets on if she was a boy or girl with only her head delivered :) They were saying "I think it's a girl face..." When I looked up, she was literally staring at me with piercing blue eyes. Not a tear or scream to be heard....just staring. It was weird! It was then that I pushed one last time and out the rest of her came! We literally kept her with us for hours before she finally decided she'd throw her first fit!
Eight years later, here we are....dealing with heartbreaks, bullies, moral issues, exhaustion, rebellion, etc... It's crazy how at times I forget how much I wanted to be a mother. I am reminded today of how blessed I am. Grace, I love you so much. I am so proud of the young lady you are becoming. I am so thankful that you have a relationship with Jesus already. I am proud to be your mother and you will always be my "best girl." Madeline, mommy loves you too! You are such an easy going little thing with a happy, go-lucky attitude. Everyone who meets you falls in love. I am proud to be your mom. My greatest prayer for you, right now, is that you will soon come to Jesus as your Lord and Savior.