Friday, December 24, 2010

More Christmas 2010

Keith and I took the girls to see Santa at Bass Pro on Wednesday. It was fun; the wait was crazy but it wasn't too bad! I did feel badly for people with little bitty ones; they weren't as patient!

After that, we went looking at Christmas lights. Saw some beautiful ones in The Shores!

Thursday night, we met mom and dad at the early Christmas Eve Service at Lakepointe Church. It was amazing (as always). We took some fun photos afterwards complete with Grann and the girls throwing snow on everyone.

Today, in the car, we used my new iphone to read the account of Christ's birth found in Luke. It was very special as Madeline requested to hear it. I've read it many times in the past but this is the first time she asked and will probably remember!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Holidays

The holidays have been busy for us already! As a matter of fact, we are pretty much done with the family makes it nice because we are able to relax from here on out and just focus on the girls!

Thanksgiving occurred a few weeks ago at my Aunt's house in Georgetown. Everyone was able to make it so it was a WONDERFUL time. It had been years since we were all able to be together. Aunt Laurie and Uncle Lee bought a nice piece of property about a year ago and it was beautiful!

We had the entire Harris family here last weekend. That was nice too! I was able to keep my stress level in check by making sure everything was simple and organized. We had a GREAT time and it was especially nice celebrating Leslie and Gregg's news....they are expecting a baby!

Today, Keith's parents and brother and sister were able to spend the morning and early afternoon with us. We also kept things simple and it made for a relaxing day! I've spend most of this evening uploading tons of pictures from my camera to the computer (think I had over 500...I know, CRAZY)! After watching the cowboy game together they headed back home. Now it's just me and the girls and it's staying pretty quiet around here. I LOVE this time of year!

Friday, December 10, 2010


I am hosting the Harris Family Christmas tomorrow, December 11th, at 4:00. I am very excited but had sooo much to do today. I took off work so that I could clean and organize without the presence of my children! Keith was home this morning and was able to finally finish my new kitchen table! I LOVE IT (picture posted). He is such an amazingly talented man:)

Anyways, on Sunday, we are having our immediate family Christmas (taking advantage of having Sarah and Les and Gregg around) at mom's. I think we are having a breakfast/brunch together. Should be an action-packed weekend full of fun and love and Christmas cheer!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 17....thankful for....

So, I'm a little behind in my "thankful" posts! However, I definitely know what I am thankful for today.....I am leaving for Chicago with my dear friend tomorrow! YAHOO:)) Mommy needs some much deserved time away. Julie, Amberly, and I fly out after lunch tomorrow for a 3 day stay in the windy city! I won't be able to post much (as I don't have a cool i phone like my hubby). However, when I return I am sure you can guess what I will be thankful for....HOME!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 13....thankful for....

I am thankful for Saturday mornings! The girls let us sleep in a little (8:45 is pretty late around here). Grace had cleaned the living room and kitchen (even emptied the dishwasher and put dishes away). Their rooms were both cleaned and beds made. They woke us up to show us their hard work :)

Now, we all still sit here, in our jammies, playing on daddy's new phone. The t.v. is off, it's cool outside, and we are being lazy enjoying each other! I LOVE SATURDAY MORNINGS!

Thinking we may go in search of a Christmas tree here in a little while.
<>< Emily

Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 11 and 12....thankful for....

After the past two days I have had, I am thankful the weekend!!! Honestly, that's all I have right now; I'm exhausted:)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 10....thankful for.... (it's a GOOD one)

Madeline asked Jesus in her heart!

At 8:50pm on 11/9/10, I was putting Madeline to bed. She was asking me about a bible story that she heard about. Through telling her the story, the subject of salvation came up. I said to her "you know, when you are ready, you can ask Jesus to live inside your heart." We sat in the quietness for awhile...this was nothing new as we've discussed this topic before and she's never replied. Tonight though, she turned, looked me in the eyes and said "I'm ready." After talking to her about sin and why we need Jesus, I led her in a sinner's prayer. It went something like this..."Dear Jesus, I love you. I am sorry for my sin. I ask you to come live inside my heart and forgive me of my sin. Thank you Jesus. I love you. Amen." After she repeated me, she said "Mom, it's like he flew from up there right into my heart." I asked "how do you feel?" She replied "I feel good. I'm so happy I can't sleep! It's like He is wiggling inside my heart!"

She was quick to inform me that she wasn't ready to be baptized, to which I replied "that's fine. Jesus lives in your heart and that's what is important. When you are ready to be baptized, you let me know."

I remember having the same feelings with Grace that I do now. Happiness and worry...worry that she's too young to understand, worry that she won't remember, etc... However, the words of an old minister friend popped into my head "Emily, the bible says to come to Him as little children do. She understands all she needs to right now. Believe in her and in her decision." That's what I'm choosing to do. I am happy. My cup runneth over. I am thankful!

Day 8 and 9....thankful for....

My job :0)

Well, you can see that I got a few days behind....things have been quite busy around here. (plus, I held Madeline during the music at church on Sunday and now have pulled something in my neck. I took a muscle relaxer and pain pill last night and literally crashed)!

Any-who....I am thankful for my job. I am so blessed that I get to do what I love doing everyday. God called me to teach and working with children gives me great joy. It is at the time, every school year, where I do begin looking forward to holiday breaks (most teachers do) but I truly LOVE my students. They are so kind and sweet and compassionate. Teaching third graders brings the benefit of them still loving their teacher :)

I am thankful to work for a christian man who understands family commitment. He realizes and encourages that family comes FIRST! I have worked for several principals in the past and believe me....they don't all think that way!

I am thankful for my teammates who pick me up when I'm down, and for the collaborative attitude we have with each other.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 7....thankful for...

I am thankful for our safety. Some of you know that Keith has had two accidents in the past 3 weeks! (I know....crazy). The first was his fault and was just a little fender-bender. Everyone was okay. However, I got a call at 10:30 two weeks ago yesterday and it was Keith saying he'd been in a wreck and needed me to come get him. I was so startled by his call that I said "quit kidding with me....I'm tired." Ended up, he was serious. He was sitting at a red light in Rowlett on his way home one night and literally watched as a woman hit him going about 50 with no brake! She fell asleep at the wheel. He was in a small S10 pickup and is lucky to be okay. The truck was totalled so we've had to buy a new truck, but that's the least of our worries. Keith is still sore and will probably suffer back and neck issues from the impact for awhile...praise God that's as bad as it gets though!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 6....thankful for...

My friends.

I have been blessed in my life with great friends. Relationships come and go but true friendship can last a lifetime.

Tara, you have been an important part of my life for about 11 years now. We have seen each other through some high moments and very low moments. I have watched your children grow into beautiful young women. Whether you know it or not, you are an example to me of what a loving wife and good mother are. You and Kevin love each other so completely...even when you drive each other nuts! I know you have seen some rough places in your marriage and yet your commitment stands firm. I appreciate your honesty when I need to "submit to Keith" and be more sensitive to his needs. I have watched your parent Baylee and Emilee. As we prepare to enter teen years with our girls, I hope we can maintain the strong relationship that you have with your girls. Thanks for everything! Thanks for always listening and for always being honest with me! I truly love you!

Julie, we've only known each other for 3 years now, and yet I consider you one of my closest friends. I love that I can literally give you a look and you know what I'm thinking. I love that we laugh, cry, scream, and cuss together (lately....lots of crying huh?). You and Jon and the boys are a special bunch. The love you have for your boys (all three of them) is an example to those around you. I appreciate your commitment to your boys and Jon and your brother. (wow....let's don't even go there....I'm telling you, your reward in heaven must be GREAT). You are an amazing person and I value your place in my life! Love ya:)

Friday, November 5, 2010

day 5...thankful for...

Today I am thankful for my sisters, Jennifer and Leslie!

Growing up Jennifer didn't like Les and I too much. She was the oldest and was too busy for our silliness. Truth be told, it wasn't until about 10 years ago that I'm even sure she liked me (LOL)! Now though, we are the best of friends. I love that she and Randy and Sarah only live a mile from me. We are able to see each other often and talk even more than that. She's been through quite a bit over the last 10 years and it's brought us closer. I am so proud of her and respect the integrity she's shown through it all!

Les and I have always been close. She was my barbie buddy (seriously, we played barbies until we were in junior high:) I loved to watch her play basketball. Often, I found myself being very protective of her. When those Edgewood girls were ugly to her I wanted to knock them sideways! This need to "protect" her is crazy because she didn't really need protecting; she has always been able to handle herself. I hate that she lives so far away right now (well, San Antonio feels far away). I hope that one day we can live close in proximity too.

Jennifer and Leslie are truly my best friends! I'm very lucky to call them "sisters."

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 4...thankful for...

My parents.

I was over, just tonight, sitting and talking with my parents. I truly love to just sit and talk to them. They bring a peace and joy to my soul.

I am so blessed that God granted me to their care on this earth. Daddy worked hard my whole life. He was gone a lot (the life of a truck driver) yet I never felt like he wasn't there. His work knew WE were his priority. He made every game, recital, and event. He was a very present figure. I had, and still do, a respect for him. When I was younger this translated to a reverent fear; now it translates to admiration. He was easy to talk to and easy to love. He was also very smart in his parenting tactics....I'm learning to use some of those same strategies :)

Mom was home most of my growing up years. She took care of the house, errands, appointments, schedule, etc... You name it; she did it. She taught us the value of being thrifty (to which I am proud to say I am). We never felt like we did without; yet little did we know we were pretty poor! When I was a little older, she went back to school and got her nursing degree. I remember watching her study and cry and encouraging her "you can do it." I was so proud to watch her walk that graduation stage. She showed me that it's never too late to reach for your dreams.

Mom and dad's marriage certainly went through rocky patches. However, they stuck it out. They didn't take the easy way out and divorce. They worked hard to keep their marriage strong. They are an example of forgiveness and love.

I am more thankful now than ever before for mom and dad....probably because I understand so much more now (being a parent myself). The values and work ethic they instilled into me are what I hope to pass to my girls. Love ya mom and dad!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 3....thankful for....

Today, I am thankful for Grace and Madeline.

We have been through a rough patch lately. Grace is growing up and wanting more independence and Madeline drives Grace crazy! Seems like they are really fussing with each other or really loving each other; there is NO IN BETWEEN! It's caused some stress in our house but we are working through it. The more they grow, the more I realize how hard this job of parenthood is. I am often forced to think about how hard I prayed for I am finding it difficult to always like them :)

Keith and I prayed for Grace for over a year. We tried and tried and couldn't get pregnant. I remember taking a test every month, hoping my medication worked, and the let-down that came with each negative test. I literally was at my "this isn't working...we aren't doing medication anymore....we will just wait for a while longer" appointment with Dr. Potter when they came into the room and told me I was pregnant. We were all shocked! Because Grace was so difficult to conceive, we knew every single thing about her from very early on. We were very cautious during my pregnancy as we didn't want to lose her. January 3rd, 2002, she made her debut into the world....kicking and screaming....a TON of jet black hair and ivory skin! Most people who met her were sure that we had adopted a child from another country (she looked like a little China doll).

Madeline was a different story. We decided to get off of the pill and "try again." Within just a few months of being off the pill, we had conceived. We were both shocked at how easy it was the 2nd time around. Early on, the doctor couldn't find her or her heartbeat. They were sure that she hadn't developed and we needed to terminate the pregnancy with a DNC. Because my doc was conservative, she forced me to come in for one last sonogram before the procedure. I'm sure you can guess that I'm glad we did. To our amazement, there she was...growing and fine! We decided to be suprised with Madeline's sex. It wasn't until she made her appearance on June 6, 2005 (Keith's birthday) that we found out she was a girl! (I was sure she was a boy by the way, because she was like a broncing bull in the womb). I'll never forget the doctor (and my sister Jennifer) taking bets on if she was a boy or girl with only her head delivered :) They were saying "I think it's a girl face..." When I looked up, she was literally staring at me with piercing blue eyes. Not a tear or scream to be heard....just staring. It was weird! It was then that I pushed one last time and out the rest of her came! We literally kept her with us for hours before she finally decided she'd throw her first fit!

Eight years later, here we are....dealing with heartbreaks, bullies, moral issues, exhaustion, rebellion, etc... It's crazy how at times I forget how much I wanted to be a mother. I am reminded today of how blessed I am. Grace, I love you so much. I am so proud of the young lady you are becoming. I am so thankful that you have a relationship with Jesus already. I am proud to be your mother and you will always be my "best girl." Madeline, mommy loves you too! You are such an easy going little thing with a happy, go-lucky attitude. Everyone who meets you falls in love. I am proud to be your mom. My greatest prayer for you, right now, is that you will soon come to Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 2....thankful for...

Today I am thankful for my husband, Keith. It's hard to believe that we just celebrated 12 years!!! I honestly can't believe we've put up with each other for that long :)

Seriously though....I am so blessed to have a husband who doesn't have hobbies. WE are his hobby. He rarely asks for "guy time" and truly attempts to make us priority when he's home. He will even DVR a big game to be with us! (Plus, we like to have a beverage and really enjoy the big games when it's quiet and just us cozied up on the couch)! I am so blessed to have a husband who sees my "old age" flaws and still is crazy about me. I surely gripe (as most women do) about all his "attention" and love....secretly though, I LOVE it! I am so blessed to have a husband who it opposite of me. While his passive nature (at home that is) drives me crazy at times, I can't imagine living in a household with TWO control freaks! I am blessed that he's so easy going and takes things one day at a time!

As I look back at my life and how long I waited for Keith, I am always reminded that the BEST things in life are WORTH WAITING FOR! He was so worth the wait and I have a treasure in my sweetheart! I love you, Keith!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 1--giving thanks!

I am thankful for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who died for my sins, rose again, and promises me an eternity with HIM one day.

I remember being 7 years old and attending a revival service at my local church (FBC Edgewood) where our long time preacher, Br. Yeager, was leading the service. I don't remember the exact contents of his sermon, but I remember feeling "emotional" for the first time. I specifically remember feeling a "tug" at my heart and fighting back tears in the quietness of the backseat on the long drive home. (for some reason, it was just me and mom and dad in the car that night). As we pulled into the garage, I just sat there...unable to get out of the car. Mom and dad asked what was wrong and I burst into tears saying "I feel a tug in my heart. I think Jesus wants to come in." Right then and there, my parents led me in a prayer asking Jesus to be my Savior and forgive my sins. The following day I made an appointment to talk with Br. Yeager, to tell him about my decision. I walked the long aisle of that little Baptist Church that next night and committed my life (publicly) to Christ. Shortly after, I followed the Lord in Baptism. (Leah Mc and I were baptized together....the first to wear the "new white robes" in the baptism waters).

That night was the beginning of my new life in Christ. I learn more everyday and realize how much more I have to learn:) Jesus is my rock and strength. I look to Him for guidance and peace and joy. My relationship with Him is what this life is all about!

It is because of the above that I dedicate this first day of November to being thankful for Jesus!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fall Festival

Each year our church hosts a Fall Festival. Keith and I took the girls last night (Madeline was a cat; Grace was a punk rocker girl). Honestly, Keith and I enjoyed nothing about the night....there are a million people and we literally stood in the donkey riding line for 1 hour :( I think we are going to pass on the whole thing next year!

The girls had fun though and that's what matters!

Friday, October 8, 2010


Keith went dove hunting two weeks ago (I's taken me two weeks to find the time to sit down and post). Anyways, while he was gone, the girls and I got our hair done, had lunch, and saw a movie at the Harbor. Too much fun!!! Madeline decided to cut all of her hair off. It amazes me at how much older she looks in her new "do." Grace only cut about 3 inches off. She wanted to keep those long locks. Oh me....she has the most beautiful hair! I'm also attaching a picture of Madeline in her "community helper" day at school. She was, of course, a police officer. Keith got to talk to her class that day and pass out all sorts of police goodies!!!

Grace got her first phone call from a boy tonight. The phone rang and a voice said "may I speak to Grace please?" I asked "may I ask who is calling?" He answered "this is Castleton." I about died. I calmly walked to Grace's room and gave her a quick spill about being friends with boys and keeping the conversation on a friend level. Then I handed her the phone. It was in that moment, when I watched the huge smile on her face and listened to her talk, that I got a little sad. I realized that she is growing up. I realized that this is the first time she is not boy crazy over someone but someone is smitten with her....

Castleton first met us at the WPA ice cream social back in August. He was so polite and Keith and I both thought he was very sweet. To our surprise, on the first day of school, we got out of the car and heard (from across the parking lot) "GRACE....HI!" When we looked it was Castleton, waving his hands and smiling at Grace; he had remembered her. Several weeks later, Grace told us that Castleton told her he thought she had pretty hair one day in class. She smiled as she told us this. Then, in Kid's Town at church, he told her that she had a voice like an angel. Need I say more? He is totally smitten. I know this is just a little crush and is short lived, but it is bitter sweet to see my baby really like a boy for the very first time....
While I am bragging....Grace is LOVING WPA! We are so thankful for the academic, social, and spiritual growth we see in Grace. We had our first teacher conference last week and everything was very positive. Grace is thriving! God truly knew what He was doing when he opened this door for us. I'm so glad that we finally listened and said "okay God." She even auditioned for her first school musical and SHE GOT THE PART!!! We are so proud of her:)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

First Days...

I'm about 2 weeks behind but "better late than never, right?"

Grace started her first year at Wylie Prep; she LOVES it! The program is Christ centered and focuses on higher level thinking and hands on learning; Keith and I are so impressed with what she is learning and with her teachers (all 6 of them. That's right, she has 6 different teachers). Kuddos to Mrs. Baughier (language arts/reading), Mrs. Jerina (social studies), Mrs. Spenrath (science), Mrs. Leas (math), Mrs. Bounds (music/drama), and the art teacher (who's name is leaving my mind right now). Grace is pictured here with Mrs. Leas, her math teacher! She wears a uniform and we ALL love that! It's very easy getting ready for school :) My principal was so nice to let me be late to our professional development on Grace's 1st day (she started before RISD did) so we all got to take her on her 1st day.

Madeline started Kindergarten this year. It was cool that we all got to take Madeline to her first day since WPA starts later than public school. Madeline goes with me, to Springer, and has my dear friend Mrs. Wood. She is thriving in Kindergarten! They are already doing great things in math and she's learned 3 sight words:) She's a big girl and enjoys walking to class all by herself when the bell rings in the morning. She will kiss me goodbye (in my classroom) and say "bye mama."

I am also posting a few pictures of Grace's ice cream social at WPA. We had the social at the Skyview campus, which will eventually be the site for all of WPA...currently the high school meets there!

I am so proud of my girls! They are my whole life:)